2020 quarantine in the garden

2020 quarantine in the garden

A little time in the garden, a little music, a little calm...marking this 04-30-20....
Reframing what is missing this morning with what I have...
focusing on the growth and what’s alive....
As I wrap up week 7 of stay-at-home, as I wrap up a huge chapter of having a daughter in some phase of lower-middle-high school,
as I wrap up washing cheer uniforms,
as I wrap up my heart’s desire
I cling to the Truth I build my life on ...
I know it’s going to be ok...
different, good, fresh ...
With ever ending there’s a new beginning ...
in letting go we are free to grasp -
new blooms, new seasons, new life
knowing our Good, Good Father is already there-
making the way straight -
ready to “walk with me and talk with me and tell me I am His own”...
Psalm 20:4-5
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