A reminder from August 2018
Part of my life was spent in corporate training in New York with Pfizer. One of the phrases I found true was “what I teach I master”. As I now spend this season teaching religion to children at Grace School I find myself learning every day. Last week I quoted the words to my children that I tried to instill in my career as a trainer, then as a district manager and now as a mom. “Autograph your work with excellence”... things we do are a portrait of ourselves and a reflection of our parents-where we come from. I feel like one of my favorite book characters in the Velveteen rabbit - “becoming real”- becoming even more of what truly matters to me- with the goal of living authentically -reflecting Him- so as I strive to “master” His teachings and “autograph” my life as a reflection of His Grace - I see “more clearly” what matters most. I claim with Paul in Hebrews 12:1...”let us run with endurance the race set before us”...reflecting Him...Sunday night thoughts for the week ahead...