Advent 2023 week 2

Elizabeth….the last of the barren women of the Bible….waiting….a reminder that God does not “have a shelf life on the prayers prayed”….
Elizabeth had been prayed for a child-
until she was old… trying to come to a place of peace that perhaps those prayers would not be answered….
Elizabeth, the aunt of Mary, and a story that remains a reminder of the power of waiting…
Elizabeth…beautiful words….”Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!”Luke 1:42
A reminder that while waiting to be a blessing….
During the advents in the seasons of our life… to remain focused on Him and offer blessings to those that come our way..
The story of Elizabeth & Mary is a beautiful scripture to revisit during advent, the connections rich as those that are later written between the babies they each carried…
One “preparing the way”, the other waiting to the time for the work to begin…a story that would take three decades to reappear in the gospels…
Advent …Waiting…Becoming….Elizabeth…
A name with meaning…
“God’s promise”….
Hope in a season of waiting…