Lessons from the Gardener….
In the words of one of my favorite old hymns...”I come to the garden alone...” the melody running through my mind as I hear the words “and He walks with me and He talks with me”...as I soak in the beauty of my hydrangeas this morning - they are blooming after a year of not doing much. They are almost as tall as the 8ft fence in places and heavy to the ground in others- loaded with blooms and vines I never pulled earlier in the spring -because of all rain -wrapped up through the leaves. My long neglected patch of evergreen wisteria, elephant ears and mint proudly growing like they own the land. Captured by the resilience of nature to be counted on to remind me of a message I need to hear. How easy for parts of my heart to be neglected through the rains yet jump into action when the Son shines warmly. As this school year wraps up and I stand on the threshold of an unwritten Summer - I hear the Gardener reminding me - while the planting is fun, the pruning is required & the watering is needed...from the garden to my soul the work is never done and with a little focus and time it will all be beautiful...in His time☀️