Mizpah Mom

on the mountain, the domain….
When I found this bracelet a year or so ago - engraved Mizpah, there was a peace in my soul. In the middle of college searches with my twins and one in college… there was this restlessness in my mom heart. If you are a mom you know that feeling of the children growing & going…While certainly a natural part of life there is a shift as things change…
Letting them go, wondering where they will be, walking in their rooms afterwards, looking at a washing machine that no longer runs late at night with soccer uniforms, no early morning Neville pep rallies, no late night ballgames… you get the picture….
Mizpah…that promise, the reminder… it’s all going to be ok… He goes with them and stays with me… watching between us til we are together again…
“May the LORD watch between you and me when we are absent one from another.” Genesis 31:49
Mizpah - in Hebrew “watchtower”
In English “worn to signify remembrance”…
Reminders for this next season..8/8 when two are there, one soon behind down the highway, & I remain…watching til they return, watching them soar, watching it all become what it is supposed to be…
These bracelets, these stories, these reminders… whether with a name, or gathered in a season of life to mark… it’s more than a piece of jewelry…a place to hold close, a piece to touch, a prayer to whisper… mizpah in each interlude…
Reflections of a mom’s heart…