Seasons - August 15, 2018
“To everything there is a season”... words that I have often said & have spent a great deal of time thinking about...as a mom of little ones it felt like an endless season of tending to the needs of others, in my career it felt like a season of continuous goal setting & achievement, then over the last couple of years the seasons shifted... I began to see that the years ahead with my children were not endless - instead they were finite in many ways. Their needs from me as a mom shifted- and so did my motivations. As I reflected on my heart’s desires I knew change was needed. In a way, that I know could only come from God’s leading, He led me to where He wants me for this season. The verses in Esther 14 kept running through my mind as I followed. “Who knows whether you have come into the kingdom for such a time as this?” For such a time as this...those words stopped me as I thought of this season. So though I may not make a difference on the scale that Esther did- I know in my soul He led me here for this season, for His purpose. This year I will spend in the class room- sharing God’s love with the children- from pre-K 3 through 5th grade- I will teach part-time lower school religion at Grace. Though I taught in corporate in New York for Pfizer years ago- this teaching is different and truly touches my heart—-Being a part of this wonderful school that has nurtured my children through many seasons. The school that gave them a foundation, love of learning & grounding in God. I am humbled that God has given me a place to serve - playing the piano in chapel, teaching in the classroom, just a beautiful “hodge-podge” of life for this season. I have seen His faithfulness in meeting my needs- teaching piano, doing the Manners camps this summer, helping friends decorate, working in my friends shops (Traditions and Coco’s) where I am surrounded by beauty, doing things that have allowed me to be close to my children -during these finite years of middle & high school. So in this season I know there is truth in these words “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with your whole heart” Jeremiah 29:12-13. So grateful for His Grace in each season.