Summer blues 2019

Summer blues 2019

Perfect start to the first Monday of June...for the last 29 years I have been enthralled with a garden of blues and purples- I may add a splash of white here and there & occasionally a little pink will creep in unexpectedly but it’s the “blue family” that grounds me-
This year my hydrangeas have really outdone themselves - I cannot get enough and they keep on smiling ...when I lived in New York I had one entire hill & corner of my garden with only blues and purples - there is something soothing to me to look out and see these colors filling my yard.
Since I no longer live on the water in NY or Island Drive -this continuity of color may be a way to draw the feel of water and sky into my world -calming my spirit. While the reds and oranges are nice in other gardens they do not have the place in my garden that my blues and purples do.
It’s funny to me that the older I grow that more I “undo” and BE- be real, be me, be still, and the list goes on.
In the words of one my favorite voices in The Velveteen Rabbit “He said ‘you Become. It takes along the time you are Real get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to those people who don’t understand.”
So here’s to keeping it real, being a little stubborn and very passionate about the flowers that color my garden & life-especially Real in my soul’s quest for beauty -inside and out. From flowers to feelings to people to tastes- becoming real- a worthy goal for my 54th summer.
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