Who are your people?

Who are your people?

Who are your people? You know in the South we love to figure out our connections…..do we have a mutual friend, do we know someone the person we are meeting knows…
We have all been at an event, a meeting, a tailgate, a party & get introduced to someone & immediately start running through that catalog in our mind to find a connection to that other person…
Whether it’s someone who went to the same college, whether we had an aunt that lived in that town, whether your Daddy had an Uncle that moved there to work…. We love knowing there’s a common thread… that’s one thing I love about these wonderful antique name bracelets….connections…stories….ties that bind….links to the heart…
I had a grandmother, Lula, who had several sisters- Mrytis, Eunice, Lena, & Jewell…. In the summers we would go to the small town where my grandparents were from & we would visit them all… you know the kind of visits- where you would sit around talking while everyone shelled peas in their lap because they were “gettin ready to put up peas” tomorrow…. Or supper visits where we circled around a fish fryer while the grease was getting’ hot so the catfish could go in & you were reminded to “wait it’s not done yet” - “don’t eat it all now or there won’t be any left”….
Connections, our people, our roots, our memories… I often say I am on a personal mission to save anything with an old engraved name….beautiful workmanship to savor …but also because there’s a story there… for these pieces once belonged to someone who was loved enough to be given a special piece… somewhere along the way that piece made it to me til it finds it’s next verse… so for now - in this “Interlude”… I will hold it & remember…. Because as a daughter of the South I know “who your people” are is the thread that binds us together… truly everyone has a story…just like Marie, Bertha, Gretta, Myrtle, Lois, Roslyn… what’s yours?
“Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God”
Ephesians 2:19
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,Loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1
Jewelry with Meaning,
Jewelry with a Story

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